Annette Harris
- Aug 13
- 5 min
10 Hobbies That Can Be Turned into Profitable Side Hustles and Why They Succeed
Looking for a hobby that can double as a profitable side hustle? I've gathered ten unique perspectives from CEOs and founders on this topic.
Annette Harris
- May 4
- 7 min
13 Financial Planning Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking for financial planning advice? You're in the right place. 1. Understand Opportunity Cost 2. Budget
Annette Harris
- Feb 18
- 3 min
7 Ways You Can Make Money in the Metaverse
How can you make money in the metaverse? The metaverse is shaping up to be the source for business owners to provide innovative products and
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Annette Harris
- Feb 11
- 3 min
How to Start Your Business and Create a Branding Strategy
How do you start a business? Many small business owners start their businesses based on skills gained through their professional careers or
Annette Harris
- Jan 7
- 7 min
15 Free Entrepreneurship Programs that Empower Women and Minority-Owned Businesses
Unlock your potential as a small-business owner with free entrepreneurship programs designed specifically for women and minorities.
Annette Harris
- Oct 13, 2023
- 4 min
7 Side Hustle Ideas for Graphic Designers
What's a good side hustle idea for graphic designers? Here are a few ideas to help get your passive income started. Design Ebooks and more..
1 view
Annette Harris
- May 27, 2023
- 3 min
4 Ways to Secure a Hacked Business Bank Account
Business bank accounts can be hacked, just like personal accounts. Here are a few tips for business owners to protect their business income.
1 view
Annette Harris
- Mar 18, 2023
- 3 min
5 Ways to Identify and Avoid Greenwashing
What is greenwashing? This happens when businesses claim that their products or services are more environmentally friendly than they are.