
Annette Harris
Nov 26, 20247 min read
My Partner Wants a Prenup: What Are My Options?
Did you partner ask you to sign a prenup? Should you sign the prenup? What are your options? Consider this before you sign a prenup and say.

Annette Harris
Jul 10, 20244 min read
6 Effective Approaches to Handling Debt After a Divorce
I've recently gone through a divorce and I could use some assistance with managing my finances. If you're in the same boat, find tips here.

Annette Harris
Jun 21, 20244 min read
6 Strategies for Handling Personal Finances During and After a Divorce
How do you talk to your spouse about distributing assets and money when you're going through a divorce? These divorce tips can help you talk
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Annette Harris
Aug 31, 20233 min read
Navigating Financial Decision-Making When Women Earn More Than Their Partners
The financial dynamics of relationships where women earn more than their partners. 1. Embrace goal setting 2. Consider split bank accounts

Annette Harris
Aug 3, 20235 min read
Early Social Security Planning is a Must for Women: 8 Ways to Secure Your Future
What are the consequences of women not planning for social security in advance? What factors should be considered when deciding not to work

Annette Harris
Jun 2, 20234 min read
6 Signs of Financial Bullying and How to Deal With It
Financial bullying isn't normal if you are married or live with your partner. Here are a few tips for identifying and addressing bullying.

Annette Harris
Apr 20, 20234 min read
7 Ways to Develop Financial Trust in Your Relationship
Setting financial boundaries, setting goals together, and determining how finances will be managed jointly can help build trust for couples.

Annette Harris
Apr 14, 20235 min read
8 Ways to Overcome Your Financial Problems
Going into the new year, you may have a few pre-planned financial resolutions. Developing your plan today can make it easier for you to...